Perhaps you’re contemplating allowing pets at your business. You might oversee a team of employees that works full-time in an office or maintains a hybrid work schedule. Or maybe you run a brewery or retail shop, and you’re wondering if you should let customers bring their pets inside.
If you’re interested in placing your own pet in obedience training so that you can bring them to work, All Well Beings is here for you! Furthermore, here’s why pet privileges can be a valuable part of your benefits package, how to select pet products for your workplace and more.
1. Understand How Being Pet-Friendly Benefits Your Team
Is allowing pets at your business worth the effort? Yes! The American Animal Hospital Association states that when employees can bring their pets to work, they typically experience less stress and find greater satisfaction in their jobs. Furthermore, they are more likely to report enjoying positive relationships with their coworkers and bosses – and they’re also more likely to work for the same company for a longer period of time.
2. Expand Your Comprehensive Benefits Package
If you’re granting your employees the ability to bring pets into the workplace, you may want to consider enhancing other aspects of your overall employee benefits package. By letting your employees take their furry friends to work and adding additional perks to your benefits package, like more paid personal days and vacation time, you can easily recruit and retain talented team members.
Adding to or changing your company policies can be a little tricky. If you want to ensure that you’re remaining compliant, consider pursuing a degree in HR. Human resources degree online tools make it easy to take classes from home and learn all of the important aspects of helping your business support its employees to thrive.
3. Pet-Proof the Building
Prior to allowing any pets in your workplace, you’ll have to pet-proof the building for safety reasons. You do not want anyone’s pets to get hurt or sick at your office. To pet-proof the building, Better Cities for Pets recommends adding a few leash hooks to the walls, identifying a specific pet relief area outside, setting up a scratching post for cats, keeping blankets and cushions on hands for pets to lay on, and spacing out your furniture so that pets have space to move around. Make sure to keep any cleaning solutions securely stored so that pets can’t get into them.
4. Choose Helpful Pet Products
As you make your building more welcoming to pets, you may want to purchase some new products to help you achieve this goal. This could include items like water bowls or treat dispensers. When you start shopping, you’ll probably end up browsing some customer reviews of various products – but you’ll want to expand your research to include reviews written by veterinarians as well. By reading expert pet care advice, you can rest assured that the products you’re buying will be safe for the four-legged friends that visit your building.
5. Establish Ground Rules
Finally, you need to implement clear rules for your employees and customers to follow if they want to bring their pets into the office. For example, you should require proof of essential vaccinations for dogs or cats. You’ll also need to set some rules around behavior and establish that if pets do not listen to commands or act in a way that could hurt someone, their owners will have to bring them home. Make sure that your employees have all read and agreed to your policies before you allow pets.
Enjoy the Perks of a Pet-Friendly Office
You might be eager to welcome pets into your office. But before you officially allow your employees or customers to bring their animal companions with them, you need to come up with a clear strategy to roll out this policy smoothly. With these tips, you’ll be able to outfit your workspace with the right products and include pet privileges as a part of your benefits package!
Trust All Well Beings to care for your pet’s health and overall well-being! Contact us to set up a wellness check today.
Photo via Pexels